Monday 16 June 2014

Feed back mohmmad ziad jaffal

محمد جفال
كانت رحلتي طويله الوصول الى مخيم المشروع في نايتون حيث تنقلت من القدس الى عمان الى روما ثم الى لندن قبل الوصول الى نايتون بخصوص المشروع فكانت الحياه في المخيم تجربه جديده, في نايتون على اعتبار اننا كنا نعيش في مخيم ونتجول في الطبيعه ,ثم تنقلنا الى وستر وكانت تجربه جيده حيث التواجد في مكان جميل ومع ناس طيبين ساعدونا وتجمعنا حول النار ,زيارة اكسفورد كانت جيده جدا وحلوه ولكن لم يكن هناك مزيد من الوقت للاطلاع اكثر على المدينه .
في نورث هامبتون كان الناس كريمون جدا واستضافونا في بيتوهم كانت الامسيات الموسيقيه جيده جدا وقد تعلمت منها كثيرا او تحديدا التدريبات التي ساعدنا فيها مجموعه جيده من الناس.
عملت مع المجموعه على توصيل صورة عن الفلكلور الفلسطيني من خلال الدبكه الشعبيه وعزفي على الطبله.
لقد استمتعت كثيرا في المشروع والرحله الى الاماكن التي زرتها كانت جميله والناس الذين تعرفت عليهم كانوا الطيبين.
التعرف على بلد جديده واناس جدد كان افضل جزء في المشروع افضل جزء في المشروع كان الشعور بالحريه والتدرب على الموسيقى كانت التجربه والرحله كما توقعتها ممتعه .
انا راضي على ادائي في المشروع في كل مراحله .
اود ان يكون لي دور في علاقة صداقه كامدن ابوديس واود ان يكون لي مكان في تدريب دورات طبله , لازم يكون هناك وقت اكثر للفعاليات والتسوق قي المستقبل , اما عن ما تبقى فكانت رائعه.
وقت اطول في المواقع التي زرناها , ويجب ان يكون هناك تنسيق اكبر لحفلات ووقت كافي للتدريب المناسب.
mohmmad jfal
My trip was long to reach the camp project in Knighton where moved from Jerusalem to Amman to Rome and then to London before arriving at Knighton about the project was the life in the camp, a new experience, in Knighton on the grounds that we were living in the camp and wander in nature, then we moved to Wooster It was a good experience as being in a beautiful place and with good people helped us and we gathered around the fire, visit Oxford was very good and sweet, but there was no more time to see more of the city.
In North Hampton was very Karimon people and Astdhavona in Batohm musical evenings were very good and I learned a lot of them or specific exercises that helped them a good group of people.
I worked with the group to deliver an image of Palestinian folklore through dabke and playing on the tabla.
I very much enjoyed the project and the journey to the places that I visited was beautiful and the people I knew were good people.
Recognize the new country and new people was the best part of the project in the best part of the project was the sense of freedom and to practice the music and the experience was enjoyable journey as you expected.
I am satisfied with my performance on the project at all stages.
I would like to have a role in the relationship of friendship Camden Abu Dis and I would like to have my place in the training sessions of the drum, there will be needed more time to events and shopping a valuable future, either for the remainder was wonderful.
More time at the sites we visited, and there must be greater co-ordination for concerts and enough time for proper training.
Name: mohammad ziad jaffal

Project: Music
Project dates: 18-8-2013

What feedback did you do? Where/ when/ to whom? : I wrote about what happened in the trip and after
i sent it in October to waad shqerat by hotmail.
Why did you choose that sort of feedback?: nothing just for fun
How did it go?  It went will
What went well? :Yes

What did not go so well?: when my friend its fell ill .

Ideas for future work (this might include feedback from people who heard you – what did they suggest?): Ithink
All friends are thinking of going to London so Make every day new activities to comes all children .

Evidence attached: Please return us photos/ article/ other evidence of feedback – we will often use this on the project blog! 

This should be returned to CADFA/ Dar Assadaqa within six weeks of the end of the exchange.
Explanation – Feedback after CADFA projects
We are very concerned that our projects are not just for the people who join the visits but reach other people – schools, colleges, organisations, newspapers...  We participants to do formal feedback as part of each project and it helps us to build for the future. For this reason we take a deposit from people before they join the project and we ask them to do one of the following within six weeks of the end of the project.  When you’ve done this we’ll return your deposit.

Acceptable feedback
A talk to an organisation/ an article in a student paper or newsletter/ an exhibition of your photographs or videos/ other (discuss with us)  
Best wishes - CADFA and Dar Assadaqa.

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