Name waad shqerat
Project Common Ground Project
Project dates 15\8 – 30\8\2013
What feedback did you do? Where/ when/ to whom?
I talked about this experience with my family, friends in an informal way.
Also I went to East Sawahrah Secondary Girls School (my old school) were I arranged it with the English teacher there and it was on Wednesday
, 9\10\2013. And it was for the eleventh grade.
Why did you choose that sort of feedback?
First of all to tell them about my experience, and what we did there, also to tell them about the kind of work that CADFA do, including Human Rights, and the activities that are happening at Dar assadaqa.
How did it go?
I had pictures and a video to show but because of special circumstances I couldn’t do that.
What went well?
They were really interested in what I had to say, and they wanted to be part of the activities that are happening at Dar assadaqa, also they wanted to know if they can participate in one of these projects.
What did not go so well?
Just the fact that I couldn’t show them the pictures or the video.
Ideas for future work (this might include feedback from people who heard you – what did they suggest?)
One thing they kept asking me about is why there school wasn’t involved with Dar assadaqa or the Twinning links.
Evidence attached: Please return us photos/ article/ other evidence of feedback – we will often use this on the project blog!
my name is wa'ad and i have been part
of the common ground project as i have been voulnteering at dar assadaqa for
several months, in this visit my role was to be , leader and that mean to take
care of my groub which is the red groub in thise case but when i got here i
hade to do more than that and i really enjoyed it , and i did alot of things
for the first time like being a presnter in the concert, that the boys did
which was a new experiance for me as it bulit my personality and made me
believe that i can do anything , i just have to take the first step and to be
brave , and it will make it , every things did from getting on plan to camping
to singing to leading, a groub of kids was new me and if it was not for this
project i wouldnt have discoverd new aspects of my personality, i have sean the
amount of ffreedom that the people her they have and how they are living anormal life just as human being enjoying
ther land , their rights, when we first arrived i w=saw a couple of kids
palying in the water and they look that the last thing they cared about in that
moment was to not getting played withe there friends and thats make me sad
beacuse my sister even i wouldnt have that . but im posihtve beacuse i have
faithe in god that my kids will inshallah , i discovered i can sing will not
solo but in agroup and i wouldnot have the guts to do it if i wasnt oplige to
do it in every positive and encouraging was by the people that were withe us,from
the begning to the end , im glad that i was part of thise project and that i
was intreduced to thise organization and the people who are working in it , i
wouldnt want thise project to be the last thing to do withe cadfa,because i
belive in what they done i want to be part of it .
وعد شقيرات
اسمي وعد , وقد كنت جزء من مشروع
ارضيات مشتركه كما كنت اتطوع في دار الصداقه في ابو ديس لعدة اشهر , لقد قائد
ومسؤولة الفريق الاحمر في هذه الرحله لكن عندما وصلت هنا كان علي واجبات اكثر من
كوني قائد لفريق , لقد كانت اول مره لي ان اكون عريف الحفل او من يقدم النشطات
وشرح ماذا يعني هذا النشاط وذاك , وكانت تجربه جديده كليا لي وساعدت في بناء
شخصيتي وثقتي بنفسي وجعلتني اؤمن بانني استطيع فعل كل شئ , فقط علي ان اخطو الخطوه
الاولى وان اكون شجاعه , مجموعه من الاطفال لقد عرفوني من قبل ولو اني لم اخض هذه
التجربه لما عرفت مقدار ما انا قادره على فعله , لقد رايت مقدار الحريه التي يتمتع
بها الناس في بريطانيا وتتيح لهم ان يعيشو حياتهم مثل جميع الناس الطبيعين
ويستمتعون بحياتهم , عندما وصلنا وارتحنا رايت طفلين يلعبون في التراب وهم
مستمتعين بالعب وكل شئ يفكروا به اللعب ,
تذكرت نفسي واخواتي باننا لم نحصل على حياه كهذه الحياه , لكن انا مؤمنه بالله ان
اولادي سوف يحصلون على هذه الحريه , لقد اكتشفت انني استطيع الغناء ليس وحدي ولكن
مع اناس اخرين ولكن لم اكن ل املك الشجاعه لفعلها ان لم اكن مضطره لذلك ولولا
تشجيع الناس الذين كانو معنا لما فعلتها بدون دعمهم وتشجيعهم من البدايه حتى
النهايه , انا مسروره لانني كنت جزء من هذا المشروع وانني تعرفت على هذه المؤسسه
والناس الذين يعملون بها , لا اريد ان يكون هذا المشروع هو اخر شئ اشارك به مع
المؤسسه انني اؤمن بماذا يفعلون واريد ان اكون جزءا منه .
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