Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Twinning workshop and something shocking

These are some pictures from our twinning workshop this morning - We discussed what twinning is about (for us it is about human rights) and looked at some of the things that we do in the twinning clubs in schools in Camden that have links with schools in Abu Dis.

The question was, are these interesting and useful activities, and what suggestions do you have?

Activities included 

the questionnaire on Palestine in our book 'For Hammam' (people found this useful)
a checkpoint game (people found this useful and are thinking about other games).
letter writing
and our Palestine box...

We've put things in there that volunteers have brought us to show things about life in Palestine. It includes olive oil, zaatar, embroidery etc.


One group suggested some important things that needed to be added to show children in the UK important things about children's lives in Palestine.  
These included a small model of an Israeli solder because the military is an everyday part of Palestinian children's reality. And even more shocking, they said we should put in some
PLASTIC TIES (cable ties) which Israeli soldiers use as handcuffs when they arrest people including children. People started telling stories of how tight the soldiers pull them :( 


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